You're always fine

Vacation state of mind

Cabana Season 2 Episode 18

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Ever come back from a vacation feeling like you need another one to recover? We’ve all been there, and this week on Bite of Balance, we’re tackling this exact dilemma. Learn how detailed lists and a flexible mindset can transform your family vacation from chaotic to carefree. Discover how embracing the chaos can lead to the most memorable moments of your trip.  Say goodbye to post-vacation blues and hello to extending those vacation vibes a little longer. Plus, we tackle the modern challenge of truly unplugging from work. Find out how to set tech boundaries and prioritize what’s truly urgent, so you can come back from your trip refreshed rather than frazzled. Tune in for all this and more, and keep that vacation bliss alive!

Cabana Pods offers a therapeutic experience through immersive reality, focusing on emotional resilience. Research shows that immersive technologies tailored to one’s needs can immediately positively change well-being, mood, stress relief, and mindfulness.
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Speaker 1:

What's up everyone? This is Bite of Balance, your weekly snack-sized therapy session. I'm your host, teresa, and today's bite is all about needing a vacation from your vacation. I know you all know that feeling I'm talking about. You're super excited for all the rest, you're going to get on vacation, but then you come back only to feel like you need a vacation from the stresses of the vacation you just went on. See how nuts that is. Yeah, that constant loop is the absolute worst. So let's freaking get into the highlights from our latest episode and sprinkle in some actionable tips to keep that vacation glow lasting just a little bit longer.

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So when Christine and I got into this, we really talked about pre-trip planning and how it really is a game changer and I know that game changer verbiage is such a cliche, but it really does make a difference when you pre-trip plan. We cannot stress this enough. How you prepare before you even leave can make all the difference. Christine shared her secret sauce for reducing pre-trip stress, which is planning ahead. This means not just packing, but also organizing all the little things that could trip you up later, which is huge, especially if you're planning a trip for an entire family. Which is huge, especially if you're planning a trip for an entire family. So we suggest make a list a few weeks in advance. Cover the essentials and give yourself plenty of time to remember and include any last minute items. So what I started to do for my kids since we travel with two kids I take two days for each kid and I make a list and then allow myself a couple days to remember anything I have forgotten. Then, when I feel like I'm done with the first kid, I move on to the second kid and if I allow myself days to remember what I missed most of the times, I'm going to slowly but surely add everything I need to the list for them and then I can go over it right before we leave On to our next point mindset.

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Mindset matters when it comes to enjoying a vacation. You need to be flexible and adaptable. What I mean by this is vacation plans are great, but being too rigid can set you up for disappointment. You have so many different variables when you're traveling, especially as a family. You have your kids, you have your weather and you have your own energy levels, which can throw a wrench into the best laid plans. So if you adopt a flexible mindset, have backup activities ready and remember it's okay if everything doesn't go perfectly. Embrace the chaos, but have a plan, because sometimes the unplanned moments are actually the most memorable. I'll never forget when we went to the Outer Banks as a family and we did not plan for this at all it rained every single day. Who wants to enjoy rain every single day at the Outer Banks? That vacation really made me learn okay, we need to have a backup plan in case we don't have beautiful weather. Because what happened on that vacation because we were not prepared is we wound up spending it inside the entire week and by the time we got back we were like what the hell was that trip? What did we spend all that money for? We basically just sat inside for a week. So when I tell you having backup activities planned is huge, I'm not even kidding.

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Next, transition gracefully back to reality. This is a big one and, I think, one that people don't really think often about. The post-vacation blues are real. They actually happen. For me, once vacation is starting to end, I start to get sad that I'm actually going back to my normal life.

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Christine highlighted the importance of giving yourself a buffer day between getting home and jumping right back into the grind. Use this day to unpack, do laundry, get groceries, so you're not hit with a double whammy of vacation exhaustion and regular life chaos as soon as you get back. A little preparation on the tail end of your trip can help smooth your transition back to reality and actually extend your vacation feelings. And here is another one that I think is really difficult for people Can I really unplug Now?

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We all struggle with truly disconnecting, especially when our work is always within arm's reach on our phones. So here is a quick tool to help you set boundaries with technology on your next vacation. Prioritize your time, decide what's truly urgent and what can actually wait, because things can wait. We are just so used to instant gratification. Set specific times to check your email or messages and stick to them.

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Next, communicate your boundaries. Let your travel companions know when you'll be off the grid and explain why it's important for your mental health and family bonding. Likewise, inform colleagues or clients about your availability and set an out-of-office message. I swear that sounds so old school, but it still is necessary. Set that out-of-office message, but it still is necessary. Set that out of office message. Next, use technology wisely. Utilize apps that limit screen time or set up automatic responses for emails. This helps you stay accountable and reduces the temptation to constantly check your phone. Remember the goal is to be present and soak up every bit of your well-deserved break. So that's a wrap for today's mini episode. We hope these insights and tips help you enjoy your next vacation and return feeling truly recharged. Don't forget to share your vacation stories and tips with us on social media, because we love hearing from you. Until next time, keep thriving and remember you're always fine, I'm out.

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